Dr. Hao TANG (唐 昊)

Centre for Smart Health, Postdoctoral Fellow
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Office: Room FJ-505, Chan Tai Ho Building
Email: howard-hao.tang_at_polyu.edu.hk
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About Me

  Hi there 😄! I'm Hao (Howard) Tang, currently a postdoctoral fellow at Centre for Smart Health, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University with Prof. Jing (Harry) Qin. Prior to this, I received my Ph.D. in 2024 from Nanjing University of Science and Technology, where I was supervised by Prof. Jinhui Tang (IAPR Fellow) and co-supervised by Prof. Zechao Li. During my doctoral journey, I have been fortunately advised by and working with: Prof. Shengfeng He, Prof. Jun Liu and Prof. Guojun Qi (IEEE/IAPR Fellow). My primary research interests include machine learning, computer vision, and medical image analysis, with a particular focus on fine-grained learning, data-efficient learning, and multi-modal learning, as well as their practical applications. The ultimate goal of my research is to develop machines that can learn from Limited, Dynamic, and Imperfect data in real-world scenes like humans.
I'm always interested in meeting new people and hearing about potential collaborations. If you'd like to work together or get in contact with me, please feel free to email or add me on WeChat !😊

Recent News

Selected Publications

BlockMix: Meta Regularization and Self-Calibrated Inference for Metric-Based Meta-Learning
Hao Tang, Zechao Li, Zhimao Peng, and Jinhui Tang
ACM Multimedia 2020 Oral Presentation
Divide-and-Conquer: Confluent Triple-Flow Network for RGB-T Salient Object Detection
Hao Tang, Zechao Li, Dong Zhang, Shengfeng He, and Jinhui Tang
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence [Code]
Learning Attention-Guided Pyramidal Features for Few-shot Fine-grained Recognition
Hao Tang, Chengcheng Yuan, Zechao Li, and Jinhui Tang
Pattern Recognition [Code] IJCAI LTDL Workshop 2021 Best Paper Award & ESI Highly Cited Paper
Knowledge-Guided Semantic Transfer Network for Few-Shot Image Recognition
Zechao Li, Hao Tang, Zhimao Peng, Guo-jun Qi, and Jinhui Tang
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems [Code] ESI Hot Paper & ESI Highly Cited Paper
Boosting Few-shot Fine-grained Recognition with Background Suppression and Foreground Alignment
Zican Zha, Hao Tang, Yunlian Sun, and Jinhui Tang
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology [Code] ESI Highly Cited Paper

Honors & Awards

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